Why most traders don't make it... and the top 3 things successful traders do differently...

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$27 (79% OFF, normally $127)
$249 (90% off, $2540 value)
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UPGRADE TODAY ONLY: Individual back issues of the Empowered Trader Newsletter sold for $127 each, giving the 20-issue collection a total value of $2,540. For today only, you can get the entire Empowered Trader Collection (digital pdf edition) for just $249 - that's a whopping 90% off normal retail price!

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Here’s what you get:
  • THE EMPOWERED TRADER ISSUE #5: Includes WHY most traders don't make it and the top 3 things that successful traders do DIFFERENTLY - this issue will seriously challenge your mindset! ($127 value)
  • SPECIAL BONUS COURSE: "The Math Behind Profitable Trading" video training and excel modelling toolkit. ($49 value)

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